Jane Mertz



Jane Mertz

Email address


Phone Number 1

(250) 384-5140

City, Province

Victoria BC


Quote or Key Phrase

Jane has experience with numerous types of written materials. Proposal Writing and Grant Applications are her specialty.

Personal Biography

Her university and non-profit experience has included writing and editing multi-million dollar grants, writing biographies/speeches and promotional materials. Her corporate work includes writing proposals, reviewing contractual agreements and editing web site content.

Skills Canadianization, Document conversion (e.g., PDF to Word), Document formatting, Fact checking, Grant/proposal writing, Non-fiction editing, Picture research, Reference checking, Research, Structural editing
Subject / Areas of Interest Non-fiction, Project management, Social Sciences
Types of Publications Annual Reports, Books, Brochures, Newsletters, Reports, Websites
Citation styles APA (American Psychological Association), In-house styles